

Welcome to our blog, born out of our desire to travelogue our worldwide family adventures; to avoid our memories fading into the abyss and keep them alive.

We have learnt to appreciate how thrilling it is to jump from one continent to another, to embrace the unfamiliar with a child in tow. We would love to inspire you to do the same.

We are explorers, intrepid followers of our hearts. We are Footloose and Three.

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”. Anonymous.

We travel to experience new cultures, taste traditional local food, encounter flora and fauna in its natural habitat. To be mesmerised by new sceneries, both natural and architectural and revel in the beauty of dilapidated structures. To have meaningful interactions with locals that open our eyes to a different way of life. We seek to uncover the secret histories and real political viewpoints of the native people.

Only when you live side by side within communities does it allow you understand people’s daily struggles and help you to become more compassionate. It opens your eyes to us all being as one, forming a connection to the bigger issues facing our world and empowering us to make a better future together. We strive for global unity.

Travel enlivens us. It has made our existence so much richer, aroused all our senses. Quite simply, it makes us happy.

It was important to us that our family travel journal went against the obvious trend of top tens that you would find with a majority of travel sites and blogs. Although I relish in such guides, it is apparent in this social media driven era that we are all explorers; striving to find something new, unique experiences that warm the soul.

Our mission is thus to inspire and to help you get the most out of your vacations, bestowing some little nuggets of wisdom for you to take along the way. And just maybe we can embolden you to follow in our footsteps: to turn family travel around the world into a lifestyle.

It’s a big wide world out there which many of us will never have the opportunity to see in its totality. So why not share in our authentic family travel adventures – so we can help you to taste the world and all its flavours.

Lucy, Ric & Arlo xxx


Our dream is to travel the entire world during our lifetime. It’s pretty ambitious, but as we have already ticked off 78 countries from a possible 195, equating to 40% of the world, perhaps it is conceivable after all.
Come join us on our family journey to help encourage us to keep moving forward with our dreams.

Pull along our timeline to see which countries we’ve visited so far.  Coming Soon… …Our travel journals for the places we have explored below. 

Countries Visited
Of the World Explored
Countries Left to Visit
Of the World to Go


We are currently living in Barbados so a lot of our posts will be in real time about the island, but overtime we endeavour to create posts of all our previous travel destinations to help you plan your next adventure. <3